The Bridge of Hearts Task Force

Be the Change!!! Promote Peace and Understanding among All of Us.

For the past two years Jes has been building the Gandhi Peace Train, a new mode of transportation for his Gandhi Puppet. Because Jes has been busy working on the train, the Gandhi Puppet hasn't gotten out as much as he used to… but this is all changing! Jes is organizing a Bridge of Hearts Task Force through the Social Justice Center of Marin. We are asking people to join him. The task force will be looking for new, creative ways to introduce the Gandhi Puppet. and his message of nonviolence to the world. The team's first project will involve creating a blog for local Bay Area Activists. We'll be asking them to pass on inspirational messages to our young people about how they too can “Be the Change” in the world. Please join the Bridge of Hearts Force. Thanks!

For more information contact Jes Richardson at [email protected] or see our volunteer page. Please like us on the Dear Iran Project Facebook page:

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